
Text Menu

Text can be drawn as SINGLE LINE TEXT and MULTI LINE TEXT (1) DTEXT : DTEXT displays text on screen as it is entered. At the command prompt, enter DTEXT Justify / Style / < Start point> : Specify a point or enter an option. (2) MTEXT : MTEXT creates paragraph text. At the command prompt, enter MTEXT Attach / Rotation / Style / Height / Direction / < Insertion point> : Specify a point or enter an option. 

Modify Menu : Part I

2. The MODIFY Menu The MODIFY Menu contains sub-menus or commands to modify the drawn object. 2.1 TRIM : TRIM command cuts the portion of the object, which extends beyond another object. At the command prompt, enter TRIM Select cutting edges : (Projmode = UCS, Edgemode = No extend) Select objects: Use an object selection method <Select object to trim> / Project / Edge / Undo : Select an object, enter an option, or press enter. 2.2 ERASE : ERASE is used for erasing or deleting the objects from the drawing. At the command prompt, enter ERASE Select objects : Use an object selection method. ● Other Methods of ERASING the objects : 1] Selecting a single object 2] Window Selection      A] Left to right selection window      B] Right to left selection window ( Crossing) 2.3 COPY : With COPY command one can copy set of objects to a different location. At the command prompt, enter COPY Select objects : Use an object selection method < Base point or displac...

Basic 2-Dimensional Entities for DRAW Menu in CAD Software Part II

DRAW Menu Contd... 1.4 POLYGON : At the command prompt, enter polygon Number of sides <current> : Enter a numerical value OR press enter Edge / <center of polygon> : Specify a point OR enter 1.5 ELLIPSE : Ellipse is a curve having major axis and minor axis with a center. At the command prompt, enter ELLIPSE Arc / Center / Isocircle / <Axis endpoint 1> : Specify a point OR Enter an Option 1.6 RECTANGLE : At the command prompt, enter RECTANGLE First corner : Specify point Other corner : Specify point 1.7 MULTILINE :  With the MULTILINE submenu, one can draw set of parallel lines. 1.8 POLYLINE : Concept of POLYLINE : When one draw with a polyline, one fill as if one is drawing with a LINE. A LINE can be drawn in 3-Dimensional [3D], but the POLYLINE is not. POLYLINE is a collection of single segments or arcs, which is treated as a single object. If one DRAW a POLYLINE, it will have 2 GRIPS only while the LINE will have 3 GRIPS.  Concept of GRIPS : Small squares a...

Basic 2-Dimensional Entities for DRAW Menu in CAD Software Part I

1 Draw Menu 1.1 LINE : A line is specified by giving its two end points. At the command prompt, enter LINE From point : Specify a point To point : Specify a point To point : Press enter to terminate the LINE command 1.2 CIRCLE :  Four methods : (1) Center point and radius (2) Two point circle (3) Three point circle (4) (a) Tangent Tangent Radius (TTR)        (b) Tangent Tangent Tangent Circle (TTT) Center-radius method At the command prompt, enter CIRCLE 3P / 2P / TTR / <Center point> : Click where one intends the center point to be Diameter / <Radius> <current> : Drag with mouse and click at appropriate point to define radius 1.3 ARC : The arc is a curve specified by center and radius as well as other parameters. There are several methods used for drawing an arc. (1) 3 points (2) Start point, Center Point, End Point (3) Start point, Center Point, Angle of Inclusion (4) Start point, Center Point, Length of chord (5) Start point, End Point, Angl...

Construction Line, Line Type , Line Type Scale

Function of CAD Software  Drawing of objects using various elements (1) CONSTRUCTION LINE Construction line creates a line of infinite length At the command prompt, enter XLINE Command : XLINE and press enter Specify a point or [Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset : hor [ Type 'hor' for horizontal line] Specify through point : [Select a point on screen] Specify through point : [Select another point] The CONSTRUCTION LINE passes through the entire drawing area. Use: Projecting points from FRONT VIEW to TOP VIEW or SIDE VIEW (2) One can type LINETYPE at the command prompt to invoke the line type manager dialogue box. Select required LINETYPE and click OK (3)One can type LTSCALE at command prompt to change the LINETYPE scale. At the command prompt, enter LTSCALE Command : LTSCALE New scale factor <current >: Enter a positive real value or press enter

Cross hairs, Co-ordinate System, GRID & SNAP

Status bar : Status bar accommodates following buttons, namely, 'SNAP, GRID, ORTHO etc......'. Click on 'GRID' button on status bar and one will see small dots appear in the drawing area. The drawing area provides cross hairs, which are the two lines at right angles and the crossing point is a point of selection. The cross hairs are connected to mouse and the crossing point can be scrolled up-down and right-left. The two black arrows in the left corner of the drawing area indicate user the X and Y direction. This icon is called ' co-ordinate system icon's. The present co-ordinate system is the 'World Co-ordinate System' ( WCS). WCS / World Co-ordinate System : WCS or World Co-ordinate System is a basic co-ordinate system that is default in the CAD software. GRID :  An area covered with regularly spaced dots or lines to aid drawing. The grid spacing is adjustable. The grid dots are never plotted. Grid shall show one the dots at a specified distance. One c...

Layout Settings

Basic setup of drawing : Layout preparation requires following commands.  ● Units : The format for display co-ordinates and measurement units. (i) Decimal (ii) Engineering (iii) Architectural (iv) Fractional (v) Scientific Use Units menu to change the units to Engineering or Architectural type. ● Limits The command LIMITS sets and controls the drawing boundaries. At the command prompt, type LIMITS and enter ON/OFF/<Lower left corner> <current> : [ Possible actions : (1) Specify a point (2) type ON and enter (3) type OFF and enter (4) press enter to terminate the LIMITS command] The LIMITS is used to set up the area of a drawing started from scratch or to change the area settings of an existing drawing. The default drawing area is 12 X 9 ( in inches). The drawing area provides cross hairs, which are the two lines at right angles and the crossing point is a point of selection. The cross hairs are connected to mouse and the crossing point can be scrolled up-down and right-...